Posted on 12/19/2014

We would like to take this moment to say "MAHALO" to our customers in Pahoa and Lower Puna for doing business with our Pahoa Lex Brodie's Tire location. We needed to close our doors to the public due to the approaching lava flow. Daniel Perreira and his Team aren't just leaving a building behind, they are also leaving the people and community that they grew to love. We will be happy to assist our Pahoa customers at our Hilo Store located at 170 Wiwoole Street right next to Blane's Drive-In. Our Hilo Store phone number is 961-6001. For your convenience, your vehicle information will be transfered over to the Hilo Location. Thank you again for your understanding and for your business that you have done with us in the past. Please know that Daniel Perreira will be at our HILO STORE assisting you and will continue to take good care of you and your automotive repair needs. We will be doing our BEST to k ... read more
Posted on 9/22/2014 Warranty Information We stand behind each tire. Michelin takes great care in engineering and manufacturing some of the best tires on the road and we are just as committed to making sure you are satisfied with your tire purchase. When you purchase a MICHELIN® tire you don’t just get a tire designed to deliver lasting performance, you get the instilled confidence of: The Michelin Promise Plan™Passenger & Light Truck Tire Replacement Limited WarrantyOriginal Equipment Passenger & Light Truck Limited Warranty ... read more
Posted on 6/28/2013

Who doesn’t want better gas mileage these days? Maximizing your fuel efficiency will not only save you money, it is better for your vehicle and the environment! With some proper maintenance, and simple tips and tricks, you can make fewer trips to the pump, which will be friendlier on your car, and your wallet. Tires - The right tires for your driving conditions are important. For the best gas mileage choose low rolling resistance tires. These are designed to maximize fuel efficiency and performance by increasing the tire’s grip on the road. Tires for racing and oversized off-roading tires are designed only for specific uses, and shouldn’t be used as your vehicle’s primary tires. Tire Inflation- Proper tire inflation for driving conditions will promote a smoother, more efficient ride. Tire inflation should be watched more in temperature extremes, and should be checked only when the tires are cool and have not been driven on recently. Wheel Balance- I ... read more
Posted on 5/24/2013

I'm sure we have all been there....Our vehicle needs to have an oil change, but we just don't have the time to get it done. So we keep driving until we have a day off in our schedule, only to realize that all the places we called- have no openings for the day. =( Now you don't have to worry. We're here to make life easier for you! =) The Lex Brodie's FAST LUBE facility is NOW OPEN in KONA! The next time you are in the Kona area, just drive-up and the FAST LUBE PIT CREW will take care of you. Super Fast and Convenient and the Best Part: NO APPOINTMENTS NEEDED! Full Service oil changes can be done in 10-15 minutes! Plus our FAST LUBE PIT CREW will top off all your fluids, inspect your belts & hoses, lube your chassis, inspect exterior lights, wash exterior windows (could use these guys at my house), and even give you a FREE quick alignment check if you have time for it. Come by and check out our new facility located at the corner of Kuakini High ... read more
Posted on 3/21/2013

CHECKING YOUR PRESSURE @ the ACS-HILO HEART WALK It was a beautiful day in Hilo at the Liliuokalani Gardens/Isles Park on Saturday March 2. That was the day of the 16th Annual ACS Hilo Heart Walk & Health Fair. The program started at 7am in the morning with over 1000 people buzzing around the tents & tables filled with information about leading a healthier lifestyle. This event brings the community together to educate them about the risks of heart disease, how to know the signs of a stroke and what we need to do to avoid a heart attack. Lex Brodie’s Tire had the pleasure to be one of the businesses participating in this event. We focused on Checking Your Pressure. Padaabum! I know, a little play on words since we focused on checking your tire pressure, but an important procedure none the less. And to make LEX BRODIE’S totally legit for the Health Fair, we teamed up with the College of Pharmacy to do blood pressure checks ... read more
Posted on 2/1/2013
As a driver, one of the more common problems that you will need to learn how to troubleshoot is a dead battery. This is usually a common occurrence during wintertime or near summertime, when the weather brings in a sudden drop or increase in temperatures. Or, you might have left an accessory turned on, such as your dome lamp or headlamps. A discharged battery will make it difficult or even impossible to start the car. In these events, a manual or standard transmission vehicle has an advantage, because you can push start them and the motor will turn over with the right combination of speed and gear. However, automatic vehicles use a torque converterto transfer power from the engine to the wheels, and you cannot use push-starting to get the motor running. It’s important to learn how to properly use and connect jumpercables. Otherwise, improper use might result in explosions. Or, you can even damage your car’s onboard computer. For this instructional, we ... read more
Posted on 12/21/2012

This year was LEX BRODIE’S TIRE’s first year to participate in Christmas parades on the Island. We chose to do the KEAAU LIGHTED PARADE in east Hawaii and the KONA LIGHTED PARADE in West Hawaii. THE KEAAU CHRISTMAS LIGHTED PARADE Now, you have to keep in mind that we never did anything like this before; we were parade virgins and LIGHTED PARADE virgins to boot! The Keaau Parade was first on Dec. 8th. We all had our list of tasks to get done. Dennis Domingo offered his yard to work on the project. Daniel Perreira and his team of technicians from the Pahoa store worked on building the railings for our trailer the week of the parade. Derrick Matias snuck around the neighborhoods cutting monstera leaves for the float to use as backdrop material. Patrick Cabango raided his mother’s yard of ti leaves and I had the task of making sure we had enough Christmas lights to light up our display. Armed with zip ties, tie wire, staple guns, chicken wi ... read more
Posted on 11/15/2012
The United States Department of Transportation (DOT) National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has developed a Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard that requires the installation of tire pressure monitoring systems (TPMS) that warn the driver when a tire is significantly underinflated. The standard applies to passenger cars, trucks, multipurpose passenger vehicles and buses with a gross vehicle weight rating of 10,000 pounds or less, except those vehicles with dual wheels on an axle. Maintaining the correct tire pressure for a vehicle is an important factor in how much load its tires can safely carry. The correct pressure will carry the weight without a problem. Too little tire pressure will eventually cause catastrophic tire failure. Tires aren't invincible. They are made of individual layers of fabric and steel encased in rubber. If a tire is allowed to run low on air pressure, the rubber is forced to stretch beyond the elastic limits of the fabric and ... read more
Posted on 11/7/2012
We just got through an exciting election. This year we had a chance to vote for a new mayor for the Big island and a new president for the USA. America and Hawaii has voted and both men have been re-elected and will remain in office. As I was reading some FB post, I saw alot of finger pointing by some angry voters and One FB user said that it was OBAMA'S fault that there were so many people unemployed. I thought,"How could we blame one person for our current unemployment status? WE CAN'T!" And here's WHY in a condensed form. The USA goes through phases of technology. I'll start as far back as The Industrial Revolution which was a period from 1750 to 1850 where changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transportation, and technology had a profound effect on the social, economic and cultural conditions of the times. Could you imagine going through those changes back in those days. "What do you mean I don't need my OX anymore? He's like a ch ... read more
Posted on 10/14/2012
1ST PLACE WINNERS RECEIVE A $50 K-MART GIFT CARD (4 winners)• BOYS & GIRLS: AGES 1-5 years •BOYS & GIRLS: AGES 6-10 years Rules: Costumes can be store bought, but must have one home-made item that makes up the costume. Example: Pirate with a homemade sword & face paint. Each participant receives a Halloween Goody Bag.10 AM: REGISTRATION ... read more