Posted on 3/21/2013

CHECKING YOUR PRESSURE @ the ACS-HILO HEART WALK It was a beautiful day in Hilo at the Liliuokalani Gardens/Isles Park on Saturday March 2. That was the day of the 16th Annual ACS Hilo Heart Walk & Health Fair. The program started at 7am in the morning with over 1000 people buzzing around the tents & tables filled with information about leading a healthier lifestyle. This event brings the community together to educate them about the risks of heart disease, how to know the signs of a stroke and what we need to do to avoid a heart attack. Lex Brodie’s Tire had the pleasure to be one of the businesses participating in this event. We focused on Checking Your Pressure. Padaabum! I know, a little play on words since we focused on checking your tire pressure, but an important procedure none the less. And to make LEX BRODIE’S totally legit for the Health Fair, we teamed up with the College of Pharmacy to do blood pressure checks ... read more