Posted on 12/21/2012

This year was LEX BRODIE’S TIRE’s first year to participate in Christmas parades on the Island. We chose to do the KEAAU LIGHTED PARADE in east Hawaii and the KONA LIGHTED PARADE in West Hawaii. THE KEAAU CHRISTMAS LIGHTED PARADE Now, you have to keep in mind that we never did anything like this before; we were parade virgins and LIGHTED PARADE virgins to boot! The Keaau Parade was first on Dec. 8th. We all had our list of tasks to get done. Dennis Domingo offered his yard to work on the project. Daniel Perreira and his team of technicians from the Pahoa store worked on building the railings for our trailer the week of the parade. Derrick Matias snuck around the neighborhoods cutting monstera leaves for the float to use as backdrop material. Patrick Cabango raided his mother’s yard of ti leaves and I had the task of making sure we had enough Christmas lights to light up our display. Armed with zip ties, tie wire, staple guns, chicken wi ... read more