Posted on 8/15/2012
Most times your vehicles CHECK OIL LIGHT will come on -on your dash. When this happens, it's usually time to take your vehicle into a shop and have your oil changed. It's also wise to check your fluids before heading out on a long trip. If you're not sure how to check your oil or other fluids, this video will explain and show you how. Click on the video link below.
Posted on 7/19/2012

Posted on 5/31/2012

If you heard our Lex Brodie's radio spots, you would know that it is normally a banter between two people named ANITA & JOSH. We are not radio personalities, but actually two employees of the company. Josh is the Managing Director of the company and Anita (that's me!) I'm the Marketing Director. It all started when a Holiday Greeting was recorded by Josh for one of the radio stations. Everyone just loved his voice-including the radio staff and a Star was Born. After awhile and 10 commercials later, the Big Boss wanted to change it up a little and add a woman's voice. I hesitantly volunteered and as they would say.... and the Rest is History. We try to keep it fun, real and informative and I really don't mind taking it for the team by being the FALL GIRL. As long as people pay attention to our radio spots, I'll keep recording new ones. Thank you for listening and being such great customers
Posted on 5/1/2012

Last year around this time, Lex Brodie's Tire wanted to get involved and help our Big Island community. We decided to partner with the Big Island Food Basket by pledging to donate a portion of our every tire we sold for the month. At the end of March 2012, we are happy to announce that our annual total came out to $19,364! That money helped to purchase close to 175,000 lbs of food! Thank you Big Island for making such a difference in so many lives. And how is this possible... Through our Customers like You....One tire purchase at a time! Each time a customer purchases a tire, a portion of the sale gets set aside to the FOOD BASKET FUND. At the end of each month, a check is sent into the Food Bank. This Corporate Sponsorship has come at a critical time since donations have declined due to the down economy and the number of hungry families have increased. LEX BRODIE'S is happy to help feed the Hungry on the Big Island and we want to say THANK YOU EVERYONE ... read more
Posted on 3/16/2012

Learn what that funny looking icon on your vehicles dashboard means and why it's become a standard on all new vehicles. Meet CLINT CARIAGA of Waimea Save Money & gas with the MARCH CAR CARE PACKAGE SPECIAL
Posted on 2/20/2012

We make life easier for you! Click on this LINK below!/pages/Lex-Brodies-Tire-and-Service-Center-Big-Island/152980658090381 and it will take you to our FACEBOOK page to make appointment
Posted on 2/3/2012

Here is our FEBRUARY NEWSLETTER. Meet Harold. One of our long standing employees. See if your BRAKES need attention Come in for your FREE BATTERY CHECK! Have a nice read. Aloha.... Anita =0)
Posted on 12/26/2011
"Reduce your chances of breakdowns by following all of the vehicle maintenance recommendations in your owner’s manual." ...Automotive Research Center 11/29/2011 What Repairs Are Needed When Cars Break Down And How Much Do They Cost? Emergency Road Service (ERS) is the number one reason members join AAA. The peace-of-mind that comes from knowing that if they have any car-related difficulties on the road AAA will come to their rescue with quality service is quite valuable. Even with this, when your car breaks down, it is still a stressful occasion. The Automobile Club of Southern California’s AUTOMOTIVE RESEARCH CENTER (ARC) is striving to identify preventative maintenance and proactive repair steps motorists can take to prevent break downs from happening in the first place. One of the steps in this process is to learn what actually goes wrong with cars that break down. AAA has a program called Approved Auto Repair (AAR) that allows high ... read more
Posted on 11/4/2011
Come take a stroll with us through the SEMA SHOW. Specialty Equipment Market Association. To us, it just means cool. Read More
Posted on 8/2/2011
Read how Alexander Brodie started his successful business and how Scott Williams kicked it into full throttle. Read more