Last year around this time, Lex Brodie's Tire wanted to get involved and help our Big Island community. We decided to partner with the Big Island Food Basket by pledging to donate a portion of our every tire we sold for the month. At the end of March 2012, we are happy to announce that our annual total came out to $19,364! That money helped to purchase close to 175,000 lbs of food! Thank you Big Island for making such a difference in so many lives.
And how is this possible...
Through our Customers like You....One tire purchase at a time! Each time a customer purchases a tire, a portion of the sale gets set aside to the FOOD BASKET FUND. At the end of each month, a check is sent into the Food Bank. This Corporate Sponsorship has come at a critical time since donations have declined due to the down economy and the number of hungry families have increased. LEX BRODIE'S is happy to help feed the Hungry on the Big Island and we want to say THANK YOU EVERYONE for supporting this amazing effort. Let's continue to DRIVE OUT HUNGER in our community.
Mahalo Plenty!
With A Warm Aloha...Anita =0)
Shown in photo: (L to R) Roland Higashi-Food Basket Vice Chair, Anita Tatum-Lex Marketing Director, Nani Lee- Food Basket Executive Director Josh Porter-Lex Managing Director, Ron Yasso-Hilo Store Manager.