Posted on 5/5/2022

Lex Brodie's Tire has partnered with Project Hawaii Inc.; a non-profit in Keaau that helps Homeless Keiki Succeed on the Big Island. Our 5 Stores across the Island have been collection sites for gifts and supplies that get brought into Hilo via our drivers for distribution. During the Christmas Holiday, Lex Brodie's drivers transferred over 5 truck loads of gifts for the Keiki. This past Easter, Kona agencies and businesses generously donated over 2 truck loads of Easter Baskets and Gifts. It's an amazing outpouring of Love and Aloha that we are so Blessed to share in. Mahalo to the Residents of the Big Island for caring for those less fortunate. Love sharing in the true meaning of Aloha
Posted on 6/15/2016

You have to agree that the Big Island is a pretty awesome place to live! On the east side, we have rain. But this means we have rivers and beautiful waterfalls, lush rainforests, exotic foliage, lots of farming for sustainable living, an active volcano and black sand beaches. On the West side we have plenty of sun to grow coffee, macnuts, flowers and enjoy the gorgeous turquoise water with lots of ocean and beach activities that bring in tourist. If one side of the island doesn't agree with you, you can always drive to the other side to get away and relax. One thing that remains the same on both sides of the Island- are the AWESOME people who live and work here. These people make up OUR COMMUNITY! At LEX BRODIE'S TIRE, We Love to Give Back to our Community! We do so by participating in island-wide events to show our support and aloha and to say "Thank You....Very Much" for your business. Here is a list of events that LEX BRODIE ... read more