It's been an exciting year for JOSH DELUZ!
Earlier this year JOSH & LEAHI got married and their two children were part of the wedding ceremony. Earlier this month, JOSH had to evacuate his family from his Waikoloa Home because of the Parker Ranch Brush fire and now….. we would like to announce that JOSH DELUZ has been promoted to the WAIMEA STORE MANAGER!!! CONGRATULATIONS JOSH!!
Josh originally started working for us in 2014 at the Lex Brodie's Fast Lube in Kona. His work ethic, great attitude and drive helped him to land the position as the Lube Lane technician at our Waimea Lex Brodie's location. He was a natural when it came to taking care of customers, he went on to do sales which lead him to learn more about building estimates and ordering parts for his customers. This acquired knowledge of learning the estimating process helped him advance to the position of the Waimea Service Manager. 
When the Store Manager position became vacant, Josh showed initiative and took the lead to help manage the Waimea Store while still performing his Service Manager duties. Through it all, he showed dedication, drive and a great attitude and because of this -he has gained respect from his peers, trust from his customers and now the lead role of Managing the Lex Brodie's location in Waimea.
Thank you Josh! We are very Proud of You and Congratulations on your promotion! You've earned it! =