You will be happy to know that Our PAHOA LEX BRODIE'S location is back in business at the PAHOA MARKETPLACE. The active lava flow is no longer an immediate threat to the Pahoa Marketplace and other business along with LEX BRODIE'S TIRE are moving back. We are just HAPPY to be able to serve our Pahoa community again!
Our Pahoa store is not fully staffed yet, therefore we will only be open from MONDAY through FRIDAY 7am to 6pm and CLOSED on SATURDAY & SUNDAY. At least we will be able to assist our customers during the week and save them from having to drive into HILO for tires and service. Also, due to the lack of proper system access -NO SAFETY INSPECTIONS can be done at the PAHOA STORE at this time. We will be happy to assist you at our HILO STORE.
THANK YOU EVERYONE for your patience and understanding and our PAHOA TEAM is happy to be back in their neighborhood!
Aloha to All! -ANITA =)