PICTURED IN PHOTO: KOHALA ELEM. 4th grade teacher Elizabeth Bauer, CJ's dad-Eric Aludino, CJ, Lex Brodie's Big Island Managing Director, Josh Porter and Lex Brodie's Oahu President, Scott Williams.
"Thank You...Very Much" Award
The "Thank You…Very Much" Award is a program put on by the Oahu Lex Brodie's Store. They invite students in grades 4-12; from across the state; to submit a letter describing their appreciation of someone who impacted their life. The "someone" may be a parent, teacher, friend – anyone who has touched their life. The program will recognize one winning student writer per month. The letter will be published in MidWeek and winners will be invited and honored on the Perry & Price breakfast show on KSSK. Letter recipient receives a two-night stay at the Sheraton Princess Kaiulani along with a $100 Ala Moana Shopping Center Gift Card.
For the month of April, CJ ALUDINO's letter was chosen. He is a 4th grade student at KOHALA ELEMENTARY who wanted to say "THANK YOU" to his dad. The President of Lex Brodie's Tire Co. from Oahu-Scott Williams, flew to the Big Island to present the award to CJ in front of his classmates during a school assembly held on Thursday May 26th.
Along with the airfare and 2 night stay on Oahu, CJ's class was treated to a $250 Cash award as well. His 4th grade teacher, Elizabeth Bauer is going to divide the award evenly and pay for everyone's SCHOLASTIC BOOK ORDER and hand deliver them to all her students during the summer. What an AWESOME teacher!! And to Elizabeth, we say..."Thank You ...Very Much!"
Thank you for helping me with my homework. You also helping me become a better person and helping me become a better learner. You're the greatest dad in the whole world and smartest person I know. You are better basketball player than Kobe Bryant and better the THE ROCK!
Mahalo, CJ