As of April 1, 2011, Lex Brodie's Tire of the Big Island will be partnering up with the FOOD BANK-HAWAII ISLAND FOOD BASKET. Each time a tire is sold to our customers, $1 of it wiIl be set aside to go to the FOOD BASKET. It is our way to "GIVE BACK" and HELP our community. It is our way to help DRIVE OUT HUNGER on our Island.
HUNGER takes NO HOLIDAYS! It affects all stages of life...Our Family, Friends and Neighbors and children are among the most vulnerable. Did you know that every dollar donated can purchase 9 lbs of food for our HUNGRY OHANA? That's why monetary donations are so important to help sustain this program. If you would like to Donate to HELP FEED THE HUNGRY on the BIG ISLAND, call (808) 933-6030 or go to www.foodbasketHI.org